A graphic designer
In my current role, I'm a jack-of-all trades graphic designer. During my 15-year career, I've created and designed just about everything two-dimensional: websites, infographics, presentations, diagrams, identity systems, communications collateral, signage... you name it. As a visual communicator, I love the challenge of collecting the pieces of a problem and assembling them into solutions that help clients succeed. Much of my work in this field has been for clients with human-centered missions, like Huckleberry House, a non-profit organization serving at-risk youth, and MedOne Healthcare Partners, a group of physicians and advanced-practice clinicians who seek to improve the quality of healthcare in Ohio.
View my graphic design work.
A sustainability-minded design researcher
But what really gets my motor revving is using human-centered research and design to tackle wicked environmental problems. During my graduate studies at The Ohio State University, where I acquired foundational skills in human-centered research techniques, I completed a series of projects aimed at understanding consumers' roles in creating and responding to the solid waste crisis.
View my UX and design research work.
A community volunteer
I continue these types of inquiries outside of my current professional role. I am a member of the of the Bexley Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee, where I manage research initiatives aimed at achieving the City's Zero Waste goal of "reducing 90% of materials disposed at the landfill by 2040." I am also a member of Upstream Solutions's Reuse Solutions Network, a community of environmentalists, business owners, and community organizers who are committed to eliminating single-use disposable waste by accelerating the transition toward a circular economy.
A maker
In my free time, I love to learn, make, and learn through making. I am a member of the Interaction Design Foundation, where I take courses to continue developing UX research and design skills. For fun, I experiment with growing biodegradable products from mycelium technology, and am on a two-year quest to recreate Columbus-style cracker-crust pizza at home.